Anahina Sikalu


Church Website

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Anahina Sikalu is married to Vosailangi, and they have four daughters: Lute, Pesi, Sela and Sokopeti and a wonderful Samoan son-in-law, Vernon To’oala. All five serve with Anahina and Vosailangi at Connection City Church, Sandringham Auckland, in different capacities and ministries, from Youth to Sunday School, to Worship, to Educational Mentoring - an initiative that offers extra tuition on a one-on-one basis for Y1 – Y13 students that need support with their studies.

Having loved Jesus passionately since her early teens in Tonga, Anahina has witnessed His faithfulness in leading her to university in Fiji, where she first encountered the Holy Spirit, spoke in tongues and got water baptised. He then opened the door for her to complete post-graduate study in Linguistics at Victoria University. After her studies at Victoria, she returned to Tonga and taught at a Methodist Secondary School and then at Tonga’s Teacher’s College as Head of the English Department. Following a scholarship offer, she completed extra-mural studies at Massey University. After a year, in 1996, Anahina moved from Tonga to New Zealand with Vosailangi to live, raise their girls and serve the Lord in Waterview HarvestTime Tongan A/G. In 2012, they planted Connection City Church, where they still serve.

In 2019, Anahina accepted an appointment by the A/G NZ Executive to oversee the A/G NZ Tongan ethnic churches. In that role, Anahina started a Tongan Hub within Alphacrucis College. The hub has witnessed 14 students graduate with Level 4 Certificates, and three have continued to Level 5 Chaplaincy. The Tongan Aphacrucis Hub has also helped train many Tongan leaders and pastors.

Anahina strongly believes our best days are still ahead.


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